Wednesday 4 November 2015

Oats and beans and barley grow…..

(…. Well, less of the oats and barley but cassava, beans and bondwe (pronounced ondwe) doesn’t have quite the same ring to it!)

Yesterday we harvested the first vegetables from the school garden. We have planted a school garden before a few years ago but most of the produce got eaten by people who shouldn’t have been taking it! This year we have a fence around the school and Grade 2 have been working really hard grow some vegetables. First they cleared the patch, hoeing and adding manure then they planted the seeds. They took good care of it watering every day as soon as they got to school, usually without needing to be reminded.  Last week there was great excitement as the beans had begun to grow over half term and today some of them were ready to pick.

Over the next few months I hope to be able to pick a few vegetables every day and the Grade 2 children will get to take turns to take them home.  The children chose to plant ocra, eggplant and green beans then found the bondwe and cassava growing as self sets. Four children went home today with enough veg for their families. I was very impressed with their carefulness in only taking what they thought they would need and not being selfish.

We also had rain on Monday. This was a great relief as temperatures had been rising. Since then the sky has been grey but no more rain. We hope it starts again soon.